Visceral Mobilization

Hands assessing shirtless male's back

What is Visceral Mobilization?

Visceral Mobilization (VM), more commonly referred to as Visceral Manipulation, is a form of gentle manual therapy that focuses on the internal organs, their environment, and the potential influence on many structural and physiological dysfunctions. Through gentle compression, mobilization, and elongation of the soft tissues, the root of dysfunctional symptoms can be addressed and the patient can experience relief of those symptoms.

Because the body is made up of many interrelated components and your organs are in perpetual motion, VM approaches particular symptoms from a full body perspective. When organs lose their mobility and become fixed to another structure due to surgeries, infections, poor posture, or even pregnancy/delivery, the body is forced to compensate. The result is deeper chronic and structural problems that can affect various parts of the body from musculoskeletal to vascular to nervous, etc.

Developed by world-renowned French Osteopath (DO) and Physical Therapist (RPT) Jean-Pierre Barral, VM can be especially beneficial in treating a wide array of conditions and symptoms to bring structural and functional balance back to the body. Treatment for conditions can range from Post-operative Scar Tissue and Chronic Pelvic Pain associated with Endometriosis to Digestive Disorders and Breathing Issues from other sources of internal dysfunction.

More Conditions We Treat with Visceral Mobilization?

  • Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain

  • Sciatica

  • Back, Hip, and Knee Pain

  • Prostate swelling ( performed internally and externally)

  • Restricted Range of Motion

  • Post-surgical Pain and Scar Tissue

  • Swallowing Difficulties

  • Bladder Incontinence

  • Crohn’s Disease

  • Digestive Disorders such as constipation and/or diarrhea, Gas, and Bloating

  • Fecal Incontinence

  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

  • Neuromotor Problems

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