Why Should Men Seek a Pelvic Floor Therapist?
Specific Male Pelvic Floor Issues We Address, But Not Limited To:
Painful Urination: This can be indicative of infections, inflammation, or muscle spasms within the pelvic floor.
Frequent & Involuntary Urination: Overactive bladder symptoms or weakened pelvic muscles can lead to unexpected and frequent trips to the bathroom.
Painful Ejaculation: This could arise from prostatitis, nerve injuries, or pelvic floor muscle tightness.
Constipation: A tense or uncoordinated pelvic floor can make bowel movements challenging.
Hemorrhoids: Straining during bowel movements or prolonged sitting can cause these swollen blood vessels.
Hernias: When abdominal tissues or organs push through a weakened pelvic wall, hernias can form.
Erectile Dysfunction: While there are many causes, pelvic floor muscle dysfunction is one of them.
Pain After Bowel Movement: This can indicate muscle spasms, fissures, or other pelvic issues.
Testicular or Penile Pain: This can result from muscle tightness, nerve impingements, or infections.
And more!
You can expect a comprehensive and holistic evaluation that takes into account both your history and your goals. After the evaluation, we will educate you on the findings and will create an individualized plan of care to return to salient activities involving your work, recreation, and relationships.
The Functions of the Pelvic Floor and How Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Can Help:
Sphincteric: This serves as the “gatekeeper” of urine and feces to prevent leakage. The muscles of the pelvic floor wrap around and control the opening of your bladder and rectum. When there is an increase in abdominal pressure (for example when you cough, sneeze, laugh or jump), these muscles contract around your urethra and anus to prevent leakage. We will assess sphinteric function to determine whether we need to lengthen or strengthen the muscles surrounding the rectum or urethra.
Support: The pelvic floor muscles act as a hammock to support our pelvic organs (bladder, rectum and uterus). Gravity, pressure, heavy lifting, if not done properly, can create laxity in this hammock and lead to dysfunctions. With excess strain on the pelvic floor, given poor breathing or lifting biomechanics, or with weakening of the pelvic floor (with age or hormonal changes), the pelvic organs can start to cause pressure/ heaviness.
Stability: The pelvic floor muscles share connective tissue with the “6-pack abs” and the deep abdominals. Therefore, pelvic floor muscles aid abdominal, hip and back muscles to control movement of the sacroiliac and hip joints. If you are trying to strengthen your core — your pelvic floor should be a part of your training program!
Sexual: The pelvic floor muscles help to achieve and sustain an erection and allow for penetration. Sufficient strength of the pelvic floor muscles is necessary for orgasm. Excessive tenderness can cause pain with intercourse.
Sump-pump: Gravity and stress push blood and lymph downward and the pelvic floor acts as a pump to decrease swelling and help body fluid travel back to the heart where fluid can be filtered. Just as pumping the calves can decrease lower leg swelling, the pelvic floor can decrease swelling or pelvic congestion.
If you’re experiencing pelvic floor dysfunctions associated with the issues above, please reach out to us to set up an evaluation and treatment! Feel free to call us at 908-443-9880 or email us at receptionmadison@pelvichealthnj.com.